Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween and Baylor homecoming

This past weekend we had fun in wonderful Waco! Since Derek works for Baylor he had to be there a couple of days early to help with the festivities. I came down on Friday and went shopping with my sis, Caroline, and trick or treating with our niece Emily. Then on Saturday we watched the parade, spent time with dear friends and went to the game. I miss you Baylor!

Sister Caroline and me at the parade

Caroline's sorority float won best in their class. This isn't the greatest picture of it but it was a toy theme. Very cute!

Our wonderful friends: Katie, Josh and sweet little Caleb

Caroline and I went trick or treating with my neice on Halloween. She was Ariel, the mermaid.

Isn't Roxy so cute in her princess costume? She hated it. And that's Molly (my parents dog) in the ladybug outfit which she also hated.

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