So I've been tagged by Jenny! Here we go!
7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die...
1. Become a mommy
2. Start my own business
3. Become a better servant of the Lord
4. Visit Sweden
5. Attend the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
6. Take more risks
7. Learn how to decorate cakes
7 Things I Can Do...
1. Decorate! I love to decorate my house and create fun and inviting spaces.
2. Bake-I love using my pink kitchen-aid mixer!
3. Shop-I like to shop too much but I am good at finding a deal!
4. Love-I love my husband, my family and my friends more than they could ever know.
5. Paint/draw-I love to paint and sketch. I need to find time to do more of it!
6. Dance-I love to dance but I don't get the opportunity that often
7. Eat Mexican food every day! Yep, Derek and I are seriously addicted to chips and salsa and anything mexican related. When we go out to eat its always mexican.
7 Things I Can Not Do...
1. Sports-I'm challenged in this area, I don't like playing sports or watching sports.
2. Sing-I love to sing but I'm not good at it.
3. Eat sushi-I know I'm crazy but I just don't like it.
4. Rollercoasters or anything daring
5. Go a day without my makeup on
6. Be mean-I can't do it, I love to be happy!
7. Camping-not my thing
7 Things That Attracted Me to My Hubby...
1. His beautiful smile
2. His love for the Lord and his family
3. His preppy-ness
4. His kindness and genorisity
5. His chivalry
6. His sense of humor-he makes me laugh everyday.
7. His love for me
7 Things I Say Most Often...
1. Oh my goodness
2. Lovely
3. I love you
4. Derek!!!
5. De-lish (instead of delicious)
6. Fabulous
7. Do you want to go to Starbucks?
7 Celebrity Crushes... (aka - ones that I would love to meet)
1. Lucille Ball
2. Reese Witherspoon
3. Brad Paisley
4. Rascal Flatts
5. Patrick Dempsey
6. Jonas Brothers - ok I know what you are thinking...but I think they are so cute (maybe I could set one of them up with my sister!)
7. Betsy Johnson - love love love her designs and I would love to know what inspires her.
7 People I'm Tagging...
1. Katie H
2. Becca A
3. Britt D
4. Ashley F
5. Mandy M
6. Maren H
7. Carol B
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for. Keep it fabulous!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dear A&M: How to Cope

Derek here again: Unfortunately I can not take credit for writing the following post, but thought it was too good to pass up. Enjoy...
Dear A&M:
I wanted to share some thoughts from the hit book "How to Handle Being The Worst Team in the Big XII South". This book, originally authored by fans of Baylor University, with foreword by Oklahoma State, has been a work in progress for 25 something years now.
Now that we have handed that prestigious torch off to your school, and it looks like it will stay that way for quite some time, you and your Aggie friends may want to really get into this material. Here are some highlights:
Chapter 1 - Bring up past records when discussing your program with friends. The best way to do this is to start from the present and go back through the past until you can find where you have more wins than "x" team. Inconsistencies in time frame does not matter - it can be 5 years for one team and 45 for another.
Chapter 3 - Find other parts of your athletic program that you can be proud of and meticulously learn and promote their accomplishments, no matter how embarrassing the sport. Baylor has done this recently with women's basketball, tennis, and most notably, track and field (Olympic gold medalist anyone?). Rumor has it that your men's club lacrosse team is pretty awesome. Just throwing that out there.
Chapter 5 - Find a couple of solid scapegoats and complain tirelessly about them. Your fan base has already advanced far in this area, with "Shermione" and "$Bill" taking the brunt of this effective relaxation technique.
Chapter 10 - Pick a team to hate and root for their failure. For Baylor fans, this has been you, and look how well it's worked! It's like The Secret - the power of positive thinking. It's very refreshing to change the channel from a frustrating loss and watch your sworn enemy fail. You may have to really dig deep here - you want a team that is average to pretty bad. You losing and them winning is a double whammy, so don't set your sites too high (UT/Tech). Arkansas is a good start, they're down this year.
Chapter 11 (THIS IS A BIG ONE) - Focus on moral victories. This chapter has a lot of content, so really pay attention to it. Within the umbrella of the moral victories chapter you'll find subsections such as: a) Don't pin your hopes on winning the game, pin your hopes on covering the spread. The spread is key, and beating the spread will bring you years and years of joy. b) Get excited about first downs. These may be harder to come by than you think, so really cherish them. c) Find remote stats that can highlight your improvement. Really dig into improvement. This should be a buzzword to use in the coming years.
Chapter 12 - Talk about the other redeeming qualities of your school. This is tricky, because it's actually really dorky to engage in academic smack talk, but, if done correctly, can deflect the focus of a conversation away from your school's crappy football program and onto other areas where the playing field is more level. Now, I'm tailor making this to A&M a little here, but I would recommend you focus on your strong engineering and business school reputation, and don't forget to bring up your various traditions! People never get tired of hearing about this.
Chapter 14** - Find another school to support on the side. This chapter is very controversial and was only added in later editions. I myself never went down this road, but several of my friends found a great deal of relaxation and comfort in finding a side school. While immediate family connections are the best (father graduated from Penn State or mom and dad met at Florida), it is also valid to dig deep into your family's history to find that great aunt that went to Alabama or that second cousin who got a masters at USC. The further away the school, the better. Claim that you have been watching them for years - especially as a little kid growing up. This helps ward off eye rolls and front-runner accusations from your friends. **Note: though highly successful, this chapter can be very dangerous, and is probably the only method that will incur hatred from fellow alumni and students. Use Chapter 14 at your own risk. Advanced students only. I'd say you'll be there en mass around 2013 - although seeing how your fan-base is bailing after 3 losing seasons out of the past 24, you may be there as early as 2010. Talk about advanced students!
That's it folks. I'll send you a copy for free - we're so excited to share this with a team not named Baylor. And you may read this and think: wow, Baylor is pathetic. This is really sad stuff. No, no! This is you! This WAS Baylor and now IS your school! I'm talking about what you and your fan base will be and have already started saying and doing.
I want to leave you with this. This can be your chance to practice, right now. Skim some of the material above, and go ahead and start using it on me. I would say the record route is the obvious way to go, but don't be afraid to be creative.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Twilight - one more week!!!
I'm so excited for this movie! For those of you that are Twilight fans you'll really get a laugh out of the dialogue below from "Twilight: The Lost Script". I ran across this on msn and thought it was so funny! For more of this go to:

BELLA: So did you do the chemistry homework?
EDWARD: Like, 100 years ago.
BELLA: No, seriously. Quit making jokes about our age difference. I have to do my homework before I go home and cook my dad his dinner.
EDWARD: You are a magnificent flower and the sweet cherry atop my life's sundae. Marry me and your life will be distilled bliss, for I do not eat food that requires cooking, and I am rich enough that your chemistry grade matters not a whit.
BELLA: Um, let's not talk about what you eat.
EDWARD: Your wish is my command, fragrant blossom.
BELLA: I don't understand how you can say that. I'm just a plain, awkward girl who needs to strap herself to the commode so she doesn't fall off. Accident-prone is my middle name.
EDWARD: I will sneak into your bathroom and offer my steady, marble-like arms as your supports. No harm shall come to you, my pet.
BELLA: OK, but you have to be really quiet about it and stuff, because my dad is, like, the police chief and even though he can't cook his own dinner, he will totally OWN your undead badonkadonk if he catches you.
EDWARD: (Laughs) Did you just see that? I sprinted to the end of these mossy rocks and back in less time than you took to say badonkadonk.
BELLA: Kiss me unchastely, you sexy beast.
EDWARD: Let's do your chemistry first, and then we shall go for a ride in my Volvo.
BELLA: See? I am ugly. My vampire boyfriend doesn't even want to neck.

BELLA: So did you do the chemistry homework?
EDWARD: Like, 100 years ago.
BELLA: No, seriously. Quit making jokes about our age difference. I have to do my homework before I go home and cook my dad his dinner.
EDWARD: You are a magnificent flower and the sweet cherry atop my life's sundae. Marry me and your life will be distilled bliss, for I do not eat food that requires cooking, and I am rich enough that your chemistry grade matters not a whit.
BELLA: Um, let's not talk about what you eat.
EDWARD: Your wish is my command, fragrant blossom.
BELLA: I don't understand how you can say that. I'm just a plain, awkward girl who needs to strap herself to the commode so she doesn't fall off. Accident-prone is my middle name.
EDWARD: I will sneak into your bathroom and offer my steady, marble-like arms as your supports. No harm shall come to you, my pet.
BELLA: OK, but you have to be really quiet about it and stuff, because my dad is, like, the police chief and even though he can't cook his own dinner, he will totally OWN your undead badonkadonk if he catches you.
EDWARD: (Laughs) Did you just see that? I sprinted to the end of these mossy rocks and back in less time than you took to say badonkadonk.
BELLA: Kiss me unchastely, you sexy beast.
EDWARD: Let's do your chemistry first, and then we shall go for a ride in my Volvo.
BELLA: See? I am ugly. My vampire boyfriend doesn't even want to neck.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Another girlie post!
This weekend was really busy but super fun! I had been working hard last week making stuff for the craft fair I was doing with my dear friend, Katie. I must admit that my hubby helped me paint, glue and glitter all week! What a trooper! Katie and I had a great time! Here is a picture of all the stuff:

Its hard to see everything in this picture. I made yard signs to personalize, cute little trees with lights and a few picture frames for all the little babies!
Katie sells Scentsy candles. Have you heard of them? Its a really great product and really safe because they are wickless. Check out her website:
After the craft fair it was off to Susan's wedding!
Congratulations Susan and Adam!!

The Happy Couple!

Kristi, me and Janet

Me and D

Me, Caroline and Kristen playing with sparklers
I was able to spend my whole weekend with my dearest and oldest friends! I love you girls and I wish we had more weekends like this!

Its hard to see everything in this picture. I made yard signs to personalize, cute little trees with lights and a few picture frames for all the little babies!
Katie sells Scentsy candles. Have you heard of them? Its a really great product and really safe because they are wickless. Check out her website:
After the craft fair it was off to Susan's wedding!
Congratulations Susan and Adam!!

The Happy Couple!

Kristi, me and Janet

Me and D

Me, Caroline and Kristen playing with sparklers
I was able to spend my whole weekend with my dearest and oldest friends! I love you girls and I wish we had more weekends like this!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween and Baylor homecoming
This past weekend we had fun in wonderful Waco! Since Derek works for Baylor he had to be there a couple of days early to help with the festivities. I came down on Friday and went shopping with my sis, Caroline, and trick or treating with our niece Emily. Then on Saturday we watched the parade, spent time with dear friends and went to the game. I miss you Baylor!

Sister Caroline and me at the parade

Caroline's sorority float won best in their class. This isn't the greatest picture of it but it was a toy theme. Very cute!

Our wonderful friends: Katie, Josh and sweet little Caleb

Caroline and I went trick or treating with my neice on Halloween. She was Ariel, the mermaid.

Isn't Roxy so cute in her princess costume? She hated it. And that's Molly (my parents dog) in the ladybug outfit which she also hated.

Sister Caroline and me at the parade

Caroline's sorority float won best in their class. This isn't the greatest picture of it but it was a toy theme. Very cute!

Our wonderful friends: Katie, Josh and sweet little Caleb

Caroline and I went trick or treating with my neice on Halloween. She was Ariel, the mermaid.

Isn't Roxy so cute in her princess costume? She hated it. And that's Molly (my parents dog) in the ladybug outfit which she also hated.
Before Lauren takes all of the credit...
I must point out that I hung the "EAT" letters above the pantry. Nice, huh? Every time I walk in the kitchen it inspires me, so I do.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fun with Glitter!
I love crafts and I especially love to use glitter! Here are a few of the projects I completed last month.

I painted glitter swirls on this white craft pumpkin.

I carved our initial into this craft pumpkin and decoupaged it with leopard tissue paper.

These are real pumpkins that I glittered using Martha Stewarts line found at Michaels.

I decoupaged these letters with leopard tissue paper too! Can you tell I love leopard and glitter? Derek is such a good sport to allow all this girliness in his home.

I glittered candles using the same Martha Stewart glitter.
These projects are so fun and really make a statement! You should try it!

I painted glitter swirls on this white craft pumpkin.

I carved our initial into this craft pumpkin and decoupaged it with leopard tissue paper.

These are real pumpkins that I glittered using Martha Stewarts line found at Michaels.

I decoupaged these letters with leopard tissue paper too! Can you tell I love leopard and glitter? Derek is such a good sport to allow all this girliness in his home.

I glittered candles using the same Martha Stewart glitter.
These projects are so fun and really make a statement! You should try it!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What if it all goes right!
If you are a country fan you've probably heard this song by the newest winner of Nashville Star. I'm a sucker for songs like this! It has such a positive message. How many times do we automatically think something will go wrong so we don't even try? But what if it all goes right! This song brightened my day. I hope it does the same for you!
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