Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Then and Now

So, Lauren from The Neaves' tagged me a couple weeks ago to post a picture of when I was younger.

Here I am after a dance recital and thats my younger brother beside me. He was always dragged to my many recitals and competitions. Poor thing!

Here I am now (Disney World, August 2008):

Things that haven't changed:
1. I still love to dance
2. I still love to dress up, maybe not with feathers in my hair. But then again, feathers could be cute - I know Blair on Gossip Girl would wear feathers!
3. My hair is still blonde and I have bangs like I used too
4. I'm still the same girl that loves disney movies, loves dessert, loves to laugh and would rather stay at home with my hubby instead of a night on the town.

Now its your turn!

1 comment:

TeamBortzfield said...

Lauren you are adorable! I had almost that same tap costume except mine was black and white. Remember how itchy?