Thursday, March 12, 2009


Apparently Target has a special edition Barbie just for her 50th birthday. She is being sold at the 1959 price of $3!! I hear she is hard to find but I'm going to try. I think I'm going to stop by Target on my way home. Shhh...don't tell Derek, he doesn't understand my fascination with all things Barbie! I mean if we have a little girl someday I have to be prepared, right?!


The Moshells said...

Is that her in your post? If so, one of the little girls at school has one...I can just snag it for you and we'll say it's lost! :) Oh j/k I love Barbies too!!! I have some good ones Ross got me when we were day I'll get them out again!

AW said...

You know, I never had a Barbie. I was much more apt to be climbing trees and making mud pies. LOL!

It's probably why God saw it fit for me to have just boys. LOL!