We had a wonderful weekend in Waco. My sister, Caroline, was particpating this year in Sing for the first time with her sorority. Sing is an annual music and dance show that the sororities and fraternities participate in. Each club chooses an orginial theme and creates a 7 minute sing and dance act. They are then judged on their performance/singing/choreography/costumes/backdrop and the top 8 clubs advance to Pigskin in the fall. Sing is such a fun tradition at Baylor and one that Derek and I have so many fond memories of. While we were in Waco, we had lunch with Heather and Emily at Schmaltz (a Waco favorite)! Then it was off to Sing that evening. The show lasted about 5 hours but it was well worth it to see all the amazing broadway-style acts! Caroline watched me and Derek when we were in Sing and she always wanted to be apart of it. Now she is and I love that we can share in this wonderful tradition. Caroline did an amazing job and I was so proud of my little sis (I knew she would do great, she was born to be on stage)!
Here is a pic of her group on stage. Their theme was "Fly me to the Moon" and included a spaceship that appeared from above.

Caroline and me after the big show!

Derek paying tribute to his frat. They were not a part of sing this year so he left a remembrance of them on Caroline's table

In Caroline's kitchen

Thank you sissy for a fun weekend! We can't wait to see you dance in SING next year!