Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update and a little nursery preview

This morning we had a sono and doctor appointment. We were so excited to see little Dean again. My placenta was lying low, covering the cervix several weeks ago so she wanted to check on that. And thankfully it had moved and baby boy is doing perfect! She guesstimated he was almost 5 pounds. And our due date was moved from April 7th to April 1st. I hope he's not born on April Fool's day but I guess thats not up to me. We are so pleased and feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful pregnancy. How did we get so lucky when so many have a difficult time? I'm truly humbled by my experience. Now labor may be a different story - I'm trying not worry about it but its quickly approaching and I'm feeling my anxiety begin to set in.

Below is a picture of Dean's crib/bedding. My goal is to have his room complete in the next couple of weeks. So once its finished, I'll post more pictures.


Albus Adventures said...

VERY cute!

Team Davis said...

So cute!! I can't wait to see more!!

Ashley Franks said...

so cute!!! I know, I can't wait to see the finished product!!! I also can not wait to meet little DEAN!!!

AW said...

Lauren, we'll be praying for a fun and quick labor. I promise, no matter the method, you'll not remember a thing once that little cowboy is in your hands. (In the meantime, consider taking a Bradley class. It's my one big regret.)

Nursery looks darling, but then we knew it would! :-)

TeamBortzfield said...

Good job Lauren! Loving the custom bedding~
You'll just want him out in the end, you won't care how he gets here, and it doesn't matter about natural, drugs or procedures as long as Mom and Baby are fine! I promise. I was the most scared of the epidural and the catheters but they were my favorite part!