Dean is doing so many new and great things!
1. Crawling all over the place
2. Sitting up
3. Shaking his head
4. Wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes
5. Trying to pull up on everything
6. Talking a lot, sounds like he says "mama" but still unsure
7. Eating a lot. He loves sweet potatoes!
8. Gets really happy when he sees mommy and daddy after we've been gone
9. Laughs hard
10. Loves playing with "little people" toys
11. Cries when we leave the room
12. Loves playing in his saucer
13. Likes the jumper too
14. Cries when we sneeze/cough/vacuum
15. Getting more hair and still has those gorgeous long eye lashes
16. Weighs 19 lbs
17. Had his first virus last week, tear. :( He's doing better now. He had a fever, runny nose and cough.
18. Loves mommy's jewelry
19. Busy body...he can't sit still
20. Still has a hard time going to sleep at night. We rock for awhile
21. Loves to be held
22. Has 2 bottom teeth
23. Sat in a shopping cart and high chair in a restaurant for the first time
We are so thankful for our sweet little D. He brings so much joy to our lives and we can't imagine life without him. Our hearts are full this Christmas season. And we feel blessed beyond measure that God would chose us to take care of this precious boy. We have a wonderful God which makes me think of these words from Jeremy Camp's song:
What a wonderful Maker
What a wonderful Savior
How majestic Your whispers
And how humble Your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a Father
How majestic Your whispers
What a wonderful God
I will post more pictures once I find my camera. The below ones are from my phone...sorry they are so blurry.