I had to post this pic of Roxy, I'm not sure she understands all these crazy decorations!

Our Mantle

The tree and such a great model standing next to it. The lighting in these pictures aren't great. I love the topper, its all red and white with pepermint sticks.

A close up shot of the mantle. I glittered the red trees. It was quite fun but very messy!
Here are a few of my favorite ornaments:

Mickey Mouse hat - from our trip to Disney World this summer

Derek's old ornament - isn't he cute?!

Gotta love Hello Kitty! Derek makes fun of me that I still like Hello Kitty but I don't care. The little girl inside of me just can't give her up!

We got this ornament in Hawaii on our honeymoon.

Have to have a Baylor ornament!

This is a swedish horse - means a lot to me but may not look that cute!