If you'd like to see how I made it, keep reading. Otherwise this might bore you.

I started out with these items: Geo Mesh, ribbon, egg picks, a few stems of silk flowers, egg garland, wooden chick, wreath (not shown)

I bought a straw wreath because it was the cheapest option. You could also use a foam wreath. I wrapped the wreath with green tulle. Any kind of ribbon will do.

Make sure you have a bag of floral pins. These help the mesh keep the ribbon in tact. Use these to secure the mesh to the wreath as well.

Now its time to add the mesh. I started at the bottom and worked my way around. Secure the mesh to the wreath with a floral pin, then bunch it up a little and secure another pin (I left a few inches inbetween each pin, but it looks even better when you bunch them up right next to each other). Repeat all the way around.

This is the finshed product but this picture does not do it justice. I glued the ribbon and egg garland to the wreath first. Then I stuck in the flower stems and egg picks. Next I glued the cute little chick to the center and added the bow to the bottom to cover up where I cut my mesh.
What fun Easter projects have you created?