Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can dogs sense that a baby is on the way?

For the past few weeks our little Roxy girl has been acting out. She's usually a very well trained dog. She even rings a bell when she needs to go outside to potty. Recently, this well trained dog that we knew is no longer there. She has been pooping and peeing all over the house! And the other night when we were working on Dean's nursery she went and hid under the dining room table. She wanted no part of it! Roxy has always been our little diva dog and her name definitely fits her sassy personality. We love her dearly but I'm afraid she's not going to be a happy camper come April. Do you think dogs can sense when a baby is on the way? Have you had a similar experience? Do you have any suggestions how we should introduce her to Dean?


Team Davis said...

Oh no!! I think Pita senses that I'm pregnant but she just gets more protective of me. Maybe the dog whisperer would have some advice! :)

Leslie said...

Here are a few things (that I've read and we've tried) to get her used to the idea of a baby: use the baby soap and lotion that you will use for Dean, to get her used to the smell. And have someone take home blankets that the baby has used from the hospital before you go home with the baby. When you go home after having the baby, go in alone and greet her first and give her some attention since you've been gone for a few days and then bring in the baby.
I don't know how dogs know, but they just do! It's crazy! :)

TeamBortzfield said...

We carried around a doll dressed in real baby clothes and blankets so Murphy would get used to me holding something other than him. He did really well with the transition and they are best friends now but he's older, 7.
You'll be fine!

AW said...

First, yes, I think they know. Our jumping boxer suddenly stopped jumping when I got pregnant with JK. He acted like he knew he was going to hurt me. (Not that I minded...his jumping drove me nuts!)

We did the baby blanket thing with both boys and our dogs and kitty. Our kitty is still jealous so we have to make a concerted effort to give her lots and lots of attention when the kiddos are around. I used to sit on the sofa feeding the boys and let her sit. I'd make sure to talk to her and if she was within arm's reach, pet her gently. I'm not sure age has anything to do with it here, as she's about 15 years old.

Angie said...

Oh no Lauren I am so sorry, but yes, they do sense it big time. Toby peed in McKennas room when we were getting it ready and other rooms too and just acted out so much. (he was 5 then so most definitly trained and NOT a puppy!) Once she came though he was wonderful with her and still is to this day. (we also did the bringing a blanket home before we brought her hom) He was a little jealous and would always want to sit by me too when I was holding her but had stopped the peeing and pooping in the house which was the biggest concern. Sorry you are dealing with fun cleaning up messes especially when pregnant!