Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Derek's fall

Happy New Year to everyone! Its been awhile since we've posted. We had a wonderful Christmas vacation and I'll post more about that later. Last Saturday, we started packing up Christmas and while Derek was in the attic retrieving boxes for me he slipped and fell right through the ceiling! Not only did his foot break through but his entire body fell through right down to the cement floor in our garage. He actually hit our Explorer first which I think was good thing because it broke his fall. He has a lot bruises, some scrapes and soreness. We are so thankful that he didn't break any bones for it could have been a lot worse. I'm also very thankful that the hole is in the garage and not in our living room!


TeamBortzfield said...

At least you have a good sense of humor about it. What a Christmas memory! Feel better Derek!

The Mills Gang said...

Oh my goodness! How scary! Glad he's okay! But I am secretly laughing!! :)

AW said...

OMG, I can't believe he's smiling! SO glad he's okay!

Ashley Franks said...

Oh my gosh!! I'm kind of laughing, but I'm glad he isn't seriously hurt. Poor Derek!!

Pandamonium said...

I am scared of this happening every time Kelly is in the attic! I can't believe it actually happened to someone I know! YIKES!