Derek here again. Back in blogosphere after many hard months of arduous soul searching, lamentation, and extreme grief-inducing deep introspective thought. No, not really. I’ve just been really into playing Angry Birds on my wife’s iphone. Oh, and I guess we had a baby too.
I have learned a great deal in the past four months of parenthood. More so than I ever thought, or wished to know – how to change a diaper, how to clean poop off of the floor, why poop can be so many different colors. I feel like at this point in my life I have been around more poo poo than Emmitt Smith in the early 2000s. Messy.
With my lovely wife being on maternity leave I have also learned all of the wonders of daytime TV (even though I work from home, of course, I never turn on the television to watch programs like “The Price is Right,” “Jeopardy,” or Macgyver reruns during my long and strenuous work days). In the past few months I have been introduced to the Bonnie Hunt Show, the Martha Stewart show, and a train-wreck called Hoda and Kathie Lee.
But perhaps the most interesting was a show that gave us a little nugget of musical kryptonite. To be honest, I don’t even know what this show is called, what it is about, or why it is on. But, this song has been stuck in my head for weeks (almost as bad as Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway from a couple of years ago...”
bamp bamp a bamp bamp bamp”) Take a listen and see if you can’t get this
insanity out of your head.
Please make it stop!