Happy half birthday to our little buddy! Dean turned 6 months on Sept 24, 2010. He is such a joy to be around. Little D is a little flirt and smiles at everyone. He's getting a lot of hair these days and its turning blonde. He has the longest eye lashes I've ever seen, girls will be jealous!
Dean is a long and lean little guy weighing in at: 16 lbs, 6 oz
Height: 27 inches
Here is what you are doing at 6 months:
-rolling over as soon as we put you down, both ways
-eating your feet
-grabbing at everything
-playing with toys
-loves the saucer
-likes to laugh at Roxy
-has tried green beans, squash and rice cereal
-so happy in the mornings
-starts to get upset if mommy/daddy leave your sight
-waking up at least once a night
-splashes like crazy in the bath
-talks all the time and blows raspberries
-sleeping on your side/tummy
-wiggling and wanting to move when you are held
-eating about 6 times a day

Mmmm...yummy green beans!
More posts to come, I promise!!