Ok, maybe not 13 but I know I don't look much older than 21 (love that movie by the way). I've even gotten carded for buying glue. Last Friday, I turned 30. Yep, you can check my drivers license if you don't believe me. I can barely believe it myself! I don't feel any different. I think having a child is what makes me feel older not the actual number. It used to bother me that I look younger but now I just embrace it! Maybe when I'm 50, I'll look like I'm 30!
I'd like to take a look back at the last 30 years. Below are my top 30 memories (its hard to think back but I'll try):
1. Beach vacations with my family as a little girl.
2. Slip in slide birthday parties.
3. Disney World - enough said.
4. Being Dorothy in my dance studio's version of Wizard of Oz in the 8th grade (yes I was a blonde dorothy). My sister danced with me in the Lion scene.
5. Going to upstate NY for Christmas. Enjoying time in the snow with my family and grandparents. There's nothing better than a white Christmas.
6. More dance, performing in the nutcracker as: a party girl, a mouse, a ballerina, a flower, a chinese dancer...
7. Meeting my best friends in middle school and high school.
8. Bringing home our first family pet when I was about 10. Chelsea we miss you!
9. Sharing everyday life with a spunky sister and a sports-lover brother. I love you Caroline and Ryan!
10. Indian Princess with my dad and dancing with him in one of my dance recitals.
11. Shopping and baking with my mom. Thanks mom for all the fresh baked cookies you had for us everyday after school!
12. Being on the drill team in high school. Dancing on the field during football half time. Making officer my Senior year.
13. Getting into Baylor. Sic'em!
14. Graduating high school. I still remember sitting inbetween 2 people I didn't know. Wow, we had a big graduating class.
15. Having my own apartment with friends and decorating it. Living in our dollhouse apartment with Katie, Caroline, Holly and Kendi.
16. Sorority memories with my friends. Parties, service projects, SING...
17. Sonic/Starbucks runs with Katie after class.
18. Living with Caroline in our tree house apartment the last year of college - were those squirrels or rats living in our walls?
19. Meeting my husband at Baylor!
20. Graduating college and staring at my diamond the whole time!
21. Getting engaged the night before graduation. I will never forget that special night infront of Waco Hall.
22. Getting my first job and paycheck.
23. Marrying my best friend and seeing his smiling face at the end of the aisle.
24. Welcoming our first puppy...Roxy you are a nut, but we love you!
25. Buying our first house and decorating it.
26. Finding our church and becoming part of a wonderful group there!
27. Getting Baptized.
28. Finding out we were pregnant.
29. Seeing my belly expand and feeling Dean kick.
30. Welcoming Dean Alexander in March 2010 and holding him for the first time.
It's a wonderful life! So here's to making 30 the newest 20!