Hi, we're still here! I'm a blog slacker. Its hard enough to find time to get on the computer but I also have a husband that works from home and hogs the computer all day long. At least I have an iphone and can check my email that way.
Dean is now 7 weeks old today. Wow! Time flies! Dean is more alert now and loves to move his little legs and arms. He is a wiggle worm, no wonder he was kicking and punching me so much while in my tummy. Dean loves to be held and really doesn't cry much. I'm learning what each cry means but that doesn't mean I know how to calm him everytime. We are still learning. He is still waking up several times a night so we are used to little sleep. Dean loves his gym, swing and bouncer. He also loves bath time! He makes the cutest little noises and has smiled many times unintentionally I think. We are still waiting on that first smile - melt my heart!
We finally brought Roxy home. She had been staying with her second family (aka my parents). She loves it so much over there that I didn't know if she even wanted to come home - my parents dog, Molly, and Roxy are best buds. We brought Dean over to meet Roxy several times before we brought her home. She was very curious and just ignored him the first few times. Now that she is at home with us, she is getting more and more curious every day. She started licking him today so thats a good sign!
Dean has been on several outings. We've gone to Starbucks, Target and TJ Maxx/homegoods of course. He usually does good in his carseat and stroller. This weekend Dean took his longest trip of his little life on Mothers day. We drove to Hillsboro to meet GiGi, GDaddy, Aunt Heather, Uncle Neil, Cousin Emily and Cousin Jackson. Then we drove to Nana and Papa's house to visit with them and Aunt Caroline and Uncle Ryan. He did so well! I'm such a proud mommy!
We have taken Dean to our ABF at church twice now. It was great to see everyone and feel normal again by getting out. Dean was a little loud both times. He grunts all the time when he has to go. Its a huge production every time and its so loud. So I took him out in the hallway so he could do his business although I think everyone in the class heard most of it. Ha! So sorry for the distraction during the prayer.
We are so blessed to be parents of this precious child! Dean, we love you so much! Stop growing so fast! We are taking in every moment of this amazing journey. God is great and worthy of Praise!

Aunt Heather and Cousin Jackson. Dean and Jackson will be great friends!

Mothers day

Dean dressed up for me on Mothers day.

One of our first walks.

Sleeping on Daddy.

Dean loves bath time!

Uncle Ryan getting some Dean time.

Roxy meets Dean for the first time.

Starbucks with Sister and Mom

Nana and Papa