We're so excited to finally announce this special news! Derek and I are so thrilled about this baby and the new life that God is shaping at this very moment. I always knew what a miracle pregnancy was but it wasn't until recently that I completely understood how truly amazing it is! To hear the heartbeat and to see the picture of our little one moving around on the ultrasound brings tears to my eyes. Seeing my husband tear up over the news that he's going to be a daddy is just so heartwarming. We could barely keep our eyes dry that first night we found out. It was the day after my birthday, July 31, and I just didn't think I was pregnant. But I took a test anyways and we were so surprised and excited! For our time had finally come!! God's timing is perfect and why I ever doubted that has completely humbled me.
The night we found out!

This is the frame I made for my parents/Derek's parents. They are so excited! This is the first grandchild on my side and the 3rd on Derek's side! There will be so much love for this little child!!!

My absoultely favorite show growing up was "I Love Lucy." I can't think of a better way to express how we are feeling right now than this
video(Brings tears to my eyes everytime!)
Much love to all!!